Question: 1 / 50

The most likely DSM-IV diagnosis for a fourteen-year-old girl who skips classes, is occasionally disruptive, cited for infractions like smoking and aggressive behavior, stays away from home for a night, and frequently lies is:

Aggressive Personality Disorder

The most appropriate diagnosis in this scenario is Conduct Disorder (Mild). This diagnosis is characterized by a range of antisocial behaviors exhibited by children and adolescents, including skipping classes, engaging in aggressive behavior, violating rules, and showing a lack of respect for authority. The recurring issues described, such as staying away from home and smoking, align with typical features seen in Conduct Disorder, especially in its milder form. In contrast, Aggressive Personality Disorder is not recognized as a formal diagnosis in the DSM-IV. Antisocial Personality Disorder generally applies to individuals aged 18 and older, hence would not be applicable for a fourteen-year-old. Schizoid Personality Disorder is characterized by social detachment and a limited range of emotional expression, which does not fit the behavioral issues outlined in the scenario. Therefore, Conduct Disorder (Mild) best captures the girl's actions and symptoms as described.

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Conduct Disorder (Mild)

Schizoid Personality Disorder


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